Longing to be restless
born to reform
wishing for protest to begin
kept at home by the "Man"
the smell of pot to wrestle my skin
i fear not the feelings i keep within
May all who protest and wish for peace alike
stand and reform against this money controlled way of life
Who Am I
I am the wanderer
the passing wind
the air frees me
I'm whole again
I blow by unnoticed
like the air being released by a bird
i see all
our fates, are deaths
what we drink before we bow are heads
how life starts, how life ends
yes I'm a 2012 movie again
Who Am I Pt.2
You ask who i be
I'm the man on the street begging for money
the old lady who walks kind of funny
the kid who stutters at speech
the girl to afraid to visit the beach
I'm the ocean mist from your childhood
that drink you took to far to say it was good
I'm the first person you kissed, who married your best friend
I'm that boss yo hate to no end
I'm that rich geek you beat up at school
I'm that stupid jerk you thought was so cool
i finally say if you are confused
Im everything in your life you wish to lose