Thursday, November 17, 2011

Insomnia Brings on Deep Thinking (Revisited)

Im suffering from insomnia for about a week now, during the day i have to have sugar or i'll fall asleep. I'm up at night in pure silence nothing but the air coming from the laptop, the whirling sound of jets that power my treasured computer yet these sounds are only a whisper of how loud my house can get. I'm aching from twitter withdrawl. My dad told me once that twitter was like a drug, once you try it the first time you try to recapture that same feeling over and over again, but you never can, you never will, you will hurt your body in the process, hurt for mind forever. I made her promise not to ever do drugs ever, i can't lose her to that it would be terrible.
I have read books about how drugs affected people, in one story called "Crank" by Ellen Hopkins, the main character descirbes taking Meth as reaching the top of a rollercoaster and you have the sudden burst of adreniline, of fear, of pure enjoyement, but like every rollercoaster you have to come down. She describes it as hitting rock bottom you fall so fast that the enjoyment is gone you just feel low, lifeless time passing to fast, wishing time it would past faster as the "Monster"in your mind needs more, more of the high feeling more of the Meth. She in the end denies the "Monster" it was a bit to late but after getting pregnant she sees what it is doing to her.
I don't only read sad drug related books, moving to a new school has changed me, they say that humans can adapt the best to new enviroments, the first year at that school was proof of it i had stop hanging out with guys for a year had to make girl best friends. that school was one of those stereotypical schools you see on TV. if you hanged out with the guys they questioned you, if you talked with one guy many time they said you liked him. you had had long coversations with one guy you were practically dating already. Lucky i survived the culture shock there and made friends and a best friend.
I some times see a girl who came to this school the same year that i did stil standing around, no one to talk too, no one to hang out with. I can only imagine how it hurts to be that alone, like a living hell, like a sad dream that the reality is, it's not a dream.